December 06, 2017

Textile Studies - Visit to Musée du quai Branly - Gujarat Embroidery Textiles - Paris Anthropology Museum - ACLFieldlog

Textile Studies - Visit to Musée du quai Branly - Gujarat Embroidery Textiles - Paris Anthropology Museum

In November 2018 I  visited the the Musée du quai Branly, the Museum of Anthropology in Paris provided a broad selection of World textiles to be inspired by.

Textile Studies - Visit to Musée du quai Branly - Gujarat Embroidery Textiles from the Ahir ethnic group  - Paris Anthropology Museum India and Asia - ACLFieldlog

To help me focus I will look at particular pieces separately so I can log them for my textile student fieldlog.  The first piece I encountered in the Asia section of the museum, and the well lit curated pieces were easy to study and get close up to.

This piece is described as " Hanging" can read the full museum description at the bottom of this post . Close up pictures of all the embroidered details are added too. This piece is ascribed to the " Ahir ethnic group" and lots of geometric symbols as well as narrative motifs make up the center piece . Decorative borders using shisha mirror embroidery are added as edging.

Textile Studies - Visit to Musée du quai Branly - Gujarat Embroidery Textiles from the Ahir ethnic group  - Paris Anthropology Museum India and Asia - ACLFieldlog

Textile Studies - Visit to Musée du quai Branly - Gujarat Embroidery Textiles from the Ahir ethnic group  - Paris Anthropology Museum India and Asia - ACLFieldlog

Textile Materials listed for this piece are in french as follows .. coton, fils de soie, miroirs ... now I can translate cotton and mirrors , but " Fils de soie" comes back from google translate as " Silk of Son"  .. The museum text reads it as " silk flock" ...  I am not entirely sure what that is supposed to mean .... can anyone help ??? suggestions welcome in the comments section below .. thank you

My guess would be silk fibres , or perhaps silk noil?

Textile Studies - Visit to Musée du quai Branly - Gujarat Embroidery Textiles from the Ahir ethnic group  - Paris Anthropology Museum India and Asia - ACLFieldlog

  • closeup of Shisha Mirror embroidery , I like the way theyr are used to make narrative motif patterns rather than just decorative elements

Textile Studies - Visit to Musée du quai Branly - Gujarat Embroidery Textiles from the Ahir ethnic group  - Paris Anthropology Museum India and Asia - ACLFieldlog

Textile Studies - Visit to Musée du quai Branly - Gujarat Embroidery Textiles from the Ahir ethnic group  - Paris Anthropology Museum India and Asia - ACLFieldlog

Textile Studies - Visit to Musée du quai Branly - Gujarat Embroidery Textiles from the Ahir ethnic group  - Paris Anthropology Museum India and Asia - ACLFieldlog

Textile Studies - Visit to Musée du quai Branly - Gujarat Embroidery Textiles from the Ahir ethnic group  - Paris Anthropology Museum India and Asia - ACLFieldlog

Textile Studies - Visit to Musée du quai Branly - Gujarat Embroidery Textiles from the Ahir ethnic group  - Paris Anthropology Museum India and Asia - ACLFieldlog

Textile Studies - Visit to Musée du quai Branly - Gujarat Embroidery Textiles from the Ahir ethnic group  - Paris Anthropology Museum India and Asia - ACLFieldlog

Textile Studies - Visit to Musée du quai Branly - Gujarat Embroidery Textiles from the Ahir ethnic group  - Paris Anthropology Museum India and Asia - ACLFieldlog

Textile Studies - Visit to Musée du quai Branly - Gujarat Embroidery Textiles - Paris Anthropology Museum - ACLFieldlog

Textile Studies - Visit to Musée du quai Branly - Gujarat Embroidery Textiles from the Ahir ethnic group  - Paris Anthropology Museum India and Asia - ACLFieldlog

Textile Studies - Visit to Musée du quai Branly - Gujarat Embroidery Textiles from the Ahir ethnic group  - Paris Anthropology Museum India and Asia - ACLFieldlog

Textile Studies - Visit to Musée du quai Branly - Gujarat Embroidery Textiles from the Ahir ethnic group  - Paris Anthropology Museum India and Asia - ACLFieldlog

Textile Studies - Visit to Musée du quai Branly - Gujarat Embroidery Textiles from the Ahir ethnic group  - Paris Anthropology Museum India and Asia - ACLFieldlog

Where: Musée du quai Branly, Paris

What: Handicraft Embroidery Textiles, Western Gujarat Region

Museum Description: Tenture, godela da kanio, Hanging, Population Ahir, Inde, Gujara, Kutch, 20th siecle, coton, fils de soie, miroirs , Mission Francoise Cousin, 71.1971.53.302

Topics : World Textiles , Hand Stitching, Hand Embroidery, Cotton, Linen, Broderie, Stickerei, Textile Student, Indian Textiles

Textile Studies - Visit to Musée du quai Branly - Gujarat Embroidery Textiles - Paris Anthropology Museum - ACLFieldlog

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