December 06, 2017

Textile Studies - Visit to Musée du quai Branly - Gujarat Embroidery Textiles - Paris Anthropology Museum - ACLFieldlog

Textile Studies - Visit to Musée du quai Branly - Gujarat Embroidery Textiles - Paris Anthropology Museum

In November 2018 I  visited the the Musée du quai Branly, the Museum of Anthropology in Paris provided a broad selection of World textiles to be inspired by.

Textile Studies - Visit to Musée du quai Branly - Gujarat Embroidery Textiles from the Ahir ethnic group  - Paris Anthropology Museum India and Asia - ACLFieldlog

To help me focus I will look at particular pieces separately so I can log them for my textile student fieldlog.  The first piece I encountered in the Asia section of the museum, and the well lit curated pieces were easy to study and get close up to.

This piece is described as " Hanging" can read the full museum description at the bottom of this post . Close up pictures of all the embroidered details are added too. This piece is ascribed to the " Ahir ethnic group" and lots of geometric symbols as well as narrative motifs make up the center piece . Decorative borders using shisha mirror embroidery are added as edging.

Textile Studies - Visit to Musée du quai Branly - Gujarat Embroidery Textiles from the Ahir ethnic group  - Paris Anthropology Museum India and Asia - ACLFieldlog

Textile Studies - Visit to Musée du quai Branly - Gujarat Embroidery Textiles from the Ahir ethnic group  - Paris Anthropology Museum India and Asia - ACLFieldlog

Textile Materials listed for this piece are in french as follows .. coton, fils de soie, miroirs ... now I can translate cotton and mirrors , but " Fils de soie" comes back from google translate as " Silk of Son"  .. The museum text reads it as " silk flock" ...  I am not entirely sure what that is supposed to mean .... can anyone help ??? suggestions welcome in the comments section below .. thank you

My guess would be silk fibres , or perhaps silk noil?

Textile Studies - Visit to Musée du quai Branly - Gujarat Embroidery Textiles from the Ahir ethnic group  - Paris Anthropology Museum India and Asia - ACLFieldlog

  • closeup of Shisha Mirror embroidery , I like the way theyr are used to make narrative motif patterns rather than just decorative elements

Textile Studies - Visit to Musée du quai Branly - Gujarat Embroidery Textiles from the Ahir ethnic group  - Paris Anthropology Museum India and Asia - ACLFieldlog

Textile Studies - Visit to Musée du quai Branly - Gujarat Embroidery Textiles from the Ahir ethnic group  - Paris Anthropology Museum India and Asia - ACLFieldlog

Textile Studies - Visit to Musée du quai Branly - Gujarat Embroidery Textiles from the Ahir ethnic group  - Paris Anthropology Museum India and Asia - ACLFieldlog

Textile Studies - Visit to Musée du quai Branly - Gujarat Embroidery Textiles from the Ahir ethnic group  - Paris Anthropology Museum India and Asia - ACLFieldlog

Textile Studies - Visit to Musée du quai Branly - Gujarat Embroidery Textiles from the Ahir ethnic group  - Paris Anthropology Museum India and Asia - ACLFieldlog

Textile Studies - Visit to Musée du quai Branly - Gujarat Embroidery Textiles from the Ahir ethnic group  - Paris Anthropology Museum India and Asia - ACLFieldlog

Textile Studies - Visit to Musée du quai Branly - Gujarat Embroidery Textiles from the Ahir ethnic group  - Paris Anthropology Museum India and Asia - ACLFieldlog

Textile Studies - Visit to Musée du quai Branly - Gujarat Embroidery Textiles - Paris Anthropology Museum - ACLFieldlog

Textile Studies - Visit to Musée du quai Branly - Gujarat Embroidery Textiles from the Ahir ethnic group  - Paris Anthropology Museum India and Asia - ACLFieldlog

Textile Studies - Visit to Musée du quai Branly - Gujarat Embroidery Textiles from the Ahir ethnic group  - Paris Anthropology Museum India and Asia - ACLFieldlog

Textile Studies - Visit to Musée du quai Branly - Gujarat Embroidery Textiles from the Ahir ethnic group  - Paris Anthropology Museum India and Asia - ACLFieldlog

Textile Studies - Visit to Musée du quai Branly - Gujarat Embroidery Textiles from the Ahir ethnic group  - Paris Anthropology Museum India and Asia - ACLFieldlog

Where: Musée du quai Branly, Paris

What: Handicraft Embroidery Textiles, Western Gujarat Region

Museum Description: Tenture, godela da kanio, Hanging, Population Ahir, Inde, Gujara, Kutch, 20th siecle, coton, fils de soie, miroirs , Mission Francoise Cousin, 71.1971.53.302

Topics : World Textiles , Hand Stitching, Hand Embroidery, Cotton, Linen, Broderie, Stickerei, Textile Student, Indian Textiles

Textile Studies - Visit to Musée du quai Branly - Gujarat Embroidery Textiles - Paris Anthropology Museum - ACLFieldlog

December 05, 2017

Textiles Studies- visit to Spectra Textile Artists Exhibition at Denbies - ACL Fieldlog

ACLFieldlog Textiles - Studies- visit to Spectra Textile Artists Exhibition at Denbies

Last weekend I managed to catch the Spectra Textiles group exhibition held at the Denbies wine estate , nr Dorking in Surrey.

Held in the mezzanine level of a busy hallway the exhibition was well layed out and allowed plenty or room to walk around in good lighting to enjoy the textile artworks.

For me one particular artist stood out, her name is Jane Hayward. She exhibited a variety of different artworks showing an interesting diversity of embroidery and fabric manipulation skills, very inspiring.

Below a few samples of her artworks that caught my eye.

ACLFieldlog Textiles - Studies- visit to Spectra Textile Artists Exhibition at Denbies- Illuminated Letter A Artwork by Jane Hayward  

 Illuminated Letter A Artwork by Jane Hayward Textile artwork by Jane Hayward

ACLFieldlog Textiles - Studies- visit to Spectra Textile Artists Exhibition at Denbies- And there was light - Artwork by Jane Hayward

" And there was light" - Textiles Artwork by Jane Hayward
Mixed Media with Machine Embroidery

ACLFieldlog Textiles - Studies- visit to Spectra Textile Artists Exhibition at Denbies- And there was light - Artwork by Jane Hayward

ACLFieldlog Textiles - Studies- visit to Spectra Textile Artists Exhibition at Denbies- And there was light - Artwork by Jane Hayward

ACLFieldlog Textiles - Studies- visit to Spectra Textile Artists Exhibition at Denbies- And there was light - Artwork by Jane Hayward

I particularly was intriqued by the use of what seems to be burned felt with acrylic painting to create these illuminated lettering styles. I like the textured markmaking against the soft stitched outline with doesnt take away from the lettering effect but serves to emphasise it.

Interesting inspiration for my lettering module to note for the future.

ACLFieldlog Textiles - Studies- visit to Spectra Textile Artists Exhibition at Denbies- And there was light - Artwork by Jane Hayward

I am not sure I Quite like this embellished lettering as much , somehow to me the overlayed embroidery takes away from the actual letter, but then again that might be just what the artist intended.

ACLFieldlog Textiles - Studies- visit to Spectra Textile Artists Exhibition at Denbies- "My Home Town" - Textile Artwork by Jane Hayward  Kunin Felt, acrylic and machine embroidery

"My Home Town" - Textile Artwork by Jane Hayward 
Kunin Felt, acrylic and machine embroidery 

On a different subject matter , a simple boat byt the beach scene, but using a similar felt manipulation technique, this artwork was really innovative to me. Simple outlines and a spotlight of red colour only, yet the textural effect held the whole work together beautifully. I also liked the interesting composition , using this angle a walker by would experience. Below a closeup fo the felt textures.

ACLFieldlog Textiles - Studies- visit to Spectra Textile Artists Exhibition at Denbies- "My Home Town" - Textile Artwork by Jane Hayward  Kunin Felt, acrylic and machine embroidery

ACLFieldlog Textiles - Studies- visit to Spectra Textile Artists Exhibition at Denbies- "My Home Town" - Textile Artwork by Jane Hayward  Kunin Felt, acrylic and machine embroidery

ACLFieldlog Textiles - Studies- visit to Spectra Textile Artists Exhibition at Denbies- "My Home Town" - Textile Artwork by Jane Hayward  Kunin Felt, acrylic and machine embroidery  

Jane Hayward - Textile Artist
Denbies Wine Estate - Spectra Textiles Exhibition
ACLFieldlog Textiles - Studies- visit to Spectra Textile Artists Exhibition at Denbies

Textile Studies - Thor - Ragnarok Costume Design Nakia - ACL Fieldlog

Textile Studies - Thor- Ragnarok  Costume Design Nakia 

These costumes were in view at the London october 2017 comicon at the excel centre .

Here Nakia ceremonial costume from the marvel production of the movie "Thor" . Interesting beadwork embroidery costume design both with detailing on the back and the front of the costumes . These were the actual originals outfits used to film the movie and security was tight as many people appreciated the tactile nature of these handmade costumes that simply invited touch .

Materials included  beads, carved wood and woven straw / grasses . 

Textile Studies - Thor- Ragnarok  Costume Design Nakia - Mayes Rubeo Costume Designer

Textile Studies - Thor- Ragnarok  Costume Design Nakia - Mayes Rubeo Costume Designer

Textile Studies - Thor- Ragnarok  Costume Design Nakia - Mayes Rubeo Costume Designer

Textile Studies - Thor- Ragnarok  Costume Design Nakia - Mayes Rubeo Costume Designer

Textile Studies - Thor- Ragnarok  Costume Design Nakia - Mayes Rubeo Costume Designer
Textile Studies - Thor- Ragnarok  Costume Design Nakia - Mayes Rubeo Costume Designer

Textile Studies - Thor- Ragnarok  Costume Design Nakia 

Images from costumes exhibited at Comicon London,  2017 via Marvel Studios

Mayes Rubeo Costume Designer for THOR: RAGNAROK

Textile Studies - Thor Ragnarok Costume Design Nakia - Casino Dress

Textile Studies - Thor Ragnarok Costume Design Nakia - Casino Dress - ACLFieldlog

Textile Studies - Thor Ragnarok Costume Design Nakia - Casino Dress

A visit to the London Comicon convention provided an unexpected peek at the embroidery designs on the original film costumes for the movie Thor Ragnarok . 

A closeup revealed a green stitch line embroidery reminding me of some kind of ancient language or computer script.

The dress design was created to fit the actress itself and was the original costume was actually worn during the casino movie scene by the actress.

Textile Studies - Thor Ragnarok Costume Design Nakia - Casino Dress

Textile Studies - Thor Ragnarok Costume Design Nakia - Casino Dress

Textile Studies - Thor Ragnarok Costume Design Nakia - Casino Dress

Textile Studies - Thor Ragnarok Costume Design Nakia - Casino Dress

Here a peek at the actual dress being worn in the Thor - Ragnarok Movie ...

Textile Studies - Thor Ragnarok Costume Design Nakia - Casino Dress copyright Marvel Studio

Image  copyright via Marvel Studios

Mayes Rubeo Costume Designer for THOR: RAGNAROK

Textile Studies - Thor Ragnarok Costume Design Nakia - Casino Dress

October 22, 2017

Textile Studies- Cretan Stitch Embroidery - Tutorial Library - ACLFieldlog Textiles

Hand Embroidery Video Tutorial -  Cretan Stitch

Textile Studies- Cretan Stitch Embroidery - Tutorial Library - ACLFieldlog Textiles

Textile Studies - - Watersoluble Embroidery - Tutorial Library - ACLFieldlog Textiles

Machine Embroidery Techniques

Tutorials using watersoluble fabric that I found useful in my textile design studies

  • Making lace edgings with watersoluble fabric and machine embroideryby Colouricious "....Watch Anne Griffiths present her textile art work shown in her stunning sketchbooks. She demonstrates how to make a lace cuff using machine embroidery and water soluble fabric, which can then be used to make beautiful handmade crafts."

Textile Studies - - Watersoluble Embroidery - Tutorial Library - ACLFieldlog Textiles

October 21, 2017

Distant Stitch - Module 1 Chapter 2 - Embroidery Certificate Stitched Textiles


Distant Stitch - Module 1 Chapter 1 - Embroidery Certificate Stitched Textiles 

Mo1Ch2- a ::: Coloured Papers
Mo1Ch2- b ::: Printed Papers
Mo1Ch2- c ::: Cross Shapes from Coloured Papers

DT - Coloured Papers - Module 1 Chapter 2 - a

::: DT - Mo1Ch2 - a

ACLFieldlog - Distant Stitch Embroidery and Stitiched Textiles Course  - Coloured Papers - Module 1 Chapter 2 - a - Textile Student Log and Sketchbook Portfolio

Coloured Papers Mo1Ch2 - a - Image 1.0
  •  1. paper inked with blueish grey from colour wheel exercise in ink
  •  2. paper inked with greyish blue to complement a hue in between
  •  3. paper washed with a grey blue water colour wash
  •  4. paper sponged with a lighter blue hue over a light ink wash
  •  5. paper loaded with a heavy wash, turned around & etched with fingernails on the reverse
  •  6. paper drop sheet, spare paper for wipe offs in same colour combinations provides new paper
  •  7. paper splattered with very water brush onto wet paper to get splodge effects
  •  8. paper with pre-printed grid , added a soft print block texture with ink
  •  9. paper block printed with carved rubber square inked up with watery ink in blues, greys and ochre

ACLFieldlog - Distant Stitch Embroidery and Stitiched Textiles Course  - Coloured Papers - Module 1 Chapter 2 - a - Textile Student Log and Sketchbook Portfolio

Coloured Papers Mo1Ch2 - a - Image 1.1

  • 10. paper with orange ink and blueish brown printed with found object paper clip cross
  • 11. paper stained with ink wash , over printed with gouache using a ruler edge dipped in paint
  • 12. paper with watercolour background wash & over brushed with cross design to bleed
  • 13. paper wetted first then ink dropped in to create puddle effects with harsh edges
  • 14. Paper painted with gouache then bubblewrap on top, left to dry overnight
  • 15. paper with gouache brush strokes and cross designs, loosely bleeding colours to blend
  • 16. paper plain harmonies in pinkish orange, orange and orangish pink for my colour scheme
  • 17. paper sponged in gouache blending orange towards pink to create gradients

ACLFieldlog - Distant Stitch Embroidery and Stitiched Textiles Course  - Coloured Papers - Module 1 Chapter 2 - a - Textile Student Log and Sketchbook Portfolio

Coloured Papers Mo1Ch2 - a - Image 1.2

  • 18. paper tonal orange pink from Financial times newspaper, overpainted with ink wash
  • 19. paper from FT , added an ink grid by blurring out text 
  • 20. paper with gouache paint in orange overstamped greyish blue with found object print block 
  • 21. paper with light inkwash , left to dry, then spattered in complimentary colour range 
  • 22. paper painted with gouache and lots of water, then orange brush markmaking into dry
  • 23. paper painted with gouache and lots of water, then orange brush markmaking into wet
  • 24. paper printed with hand- carved square print block in layers 
  • 25. paper blended with watercolour wash 
  • 26. paper mop up sheet, becomes a random design sheet to add to collection

- location : home studio , U.K. Oct 2017
- material : gouache paints, watercolour paints, inks, recycled newspaper, glue
- #ACLFieldlogTextiles


Time spent  : 3 hours
cost: none


Printed Papers - Distant Stitch Module 1 Chapter 2 - b

::: DT - Mo1Ch2- b

#ACLFieldlogTextiles Distant Stitch - Module 1 Chapter 2 - Embroidery, Design , Stitched Art Textiles - Textile Studnet Sketchbook & Assignment Log

Printed Papers - DT - Mo1Ch2 - b - Image 2.0 
  •  Having decided to go with the rounded edge cross design from my earlier sketchbook research, I carved part of the design into a carving block
  • I started using a designated print carving tool but found that I achieved more control over the rounded curves with a scalpel.

#ACLFieldlogTextiles Distant Stitch - Module 1 Chapter 2 - Embroidery, Design , Stitched Art Textiles - Textile Studnet Sketchbook & Assignment Log

 Printed Papers - DT - Mo1Ch2 - b - Image 2.0 a

  • here a close up photo of the carving tool I started with and the drawing of the cross design onto the carving block 

#ACLFieldlogTextiles Distant Stitch - Module 1 Chapter 2 - Embroidery, Design , Stitched Art Textiles - Textile Studnet Sketchbook & Assignment Log

Printed Papers - DT - Mo1Ch2 - b - Image 2.1 

  • the top left section shows the progression of the rough cut stamp design and the finer details achieved whilst using a scalpel until the final cross design print block 
  • several arrangements were tried to see how the part would fit as a whole
  • a sponged background paper provided contrast

#ACLFieldlogTextiles Distant Stitch - Module 1 Chapter 2 - Embroidery, Design , Stitched Art Textiles - Textile Studnet Sketchbook & Assignment Log

Printed Papers - DT - Mo1Ch2 - b - Image 2.2 

  • varying the direction and spacing of the print block to achieve a variety of pattern design both with close spacing and elongated spacing

#ACLFieldlogTextiles Distant Stitch - Module 1 Chapter 2 - Embroidery, Design , Stitched Art Textiles - Textile Studnet Sketchbook & Assignment Log

Printed Papers - DT - Mo1Ch2 - b - Image 2.3 

  • using some of my soft sponged papers I took 2 complimentary colours of pinkish orange and bluish grey to vary the design
  • I experimented with only partially inking up the print block and then using the remaining part to colour in a different hue

#ACLFieldlogTextiles Distant Stitch - Module 1 Chapter 2 - Embroidery, Design , Stitched Art Textiles - Textile Studnet Sketchbook & Assignment Log

Printed Papers - DT - Mo1Ch2 - b - Image 2.4 

  •  here a view of my studio desk, showing both carving implements used and the final print block as well as a cut out of the original research cross image

- location : home studio , U.K. Oct 2017
- material : gouache paints, watercolour paints, inks, recycled newspaper, glue
- #ACLFieldlogTextiles


Time spent  : 7 hours
cost: £ 3 safety handle for scalpel


 DT - Printed Paper Crosses - Module 1 Chapter 2 - a - Embroidery Certificate Stitched Textiles

::: DT - Mo1Ch2- c

Distant Stitch Textile Course  - Printed Paper Crosses - Module 1 Chapter 2 - a - Embroidery Certificate Stitched Textiles Student Sketchbook and Log

Printed Paper Crosses - DT - Mo1Ch2 - c - Image 3.0 
  •  Using two sheets of paper in pinkish orange/ bluish grey from my complimentary colour papers
  • using a variety of cutting implements to create cross design elements

Distant Stitch Textile Course  - Printed Paper Crosses - Module 1 Chapter 2 - a - Embroidery Certificate Stitched Textiles Student Sketchbook and Log

Printed Paper Crosses - DT - Mo1Ch2 - c - Image 3.1

  • I found a tiny pair of scissors, originally meant for embroidery but now put aside for delicate paper cutting as they very sharp tips lend themselves to intricate cutting edges
Distant Stitch Textile Course  - Printed Paper Crosses - Module 1 Chapter 2 - a - Embroidery Certificate Stitched Textiles Student Sketchbook and Log

Printed Paper Crosses - DT - Mo1Ch2 - c - Image 3.2 
  • using my sketchbook research on cross designs I cut a variety of shapes, both simple inspired by the original designs of the crosses  and then moving on using parts of one cross combined with another to form an entirely new design
  •  I enjoyed looking for ways of weaving contrasting design elements into the cross designs. This was achieved by either making use of the openings within a particular cross design or specifically add small slits using a scalpel to allow for weaving strips to be fed through
  • I am particularly pleased with the way the lacing design combined well with an elongated cross appears to merge together. The initial inspiration had come from a swimming paddle where the criss cross lacing inspired me to contemplate that design for further use  

- location : home studio , U.K. Oct 2017
- material : gouache paints, watercolour paints, inks, glue
- #ACLFieldlogTextiles


Time spent  : 3 hours



Total Time Spent on Chapter 1 of Module 1


  • Mo1Ch2- a ::: Painted Papers - 3 hours
  • Mo1Ch2- b ::: Printed Papers - 7 hours
  • Mo1Ch2- c ::: Painted Paper Crosses - 3 hours
  • Admin - Recording, Filing, Set up Blog & Blogging - 2 hours
Total Time spent  : 15 hours
cost: £ 3 ( scalpel handle )
         £ 2 (use of ink and paper)
         other art materials already in studio
Observations on Chapter 2 of Module 1

  • I enjoyed following through the process of pushing a simple cross design elements and playing with arrangements of symmetry and colour overlays
  • this chapter came easy to me as I have carved stamps before and also have a lot of mixed media art experience, it was fun to put some of it as well as my art supplies to good use
  • The complex cross designs made me think quite a lot of the various architectural designs I encounter on my travels, and definite influences from various time periods came about when laying designs on top of each other. I tried pushing myself to develop intricate cut out designs with a variety of weaving patterns as I enjoy that potential for textiles a lot

#ACLFieldLogTextiles, istant Stitch - Module 1 Chapter 2 - Embroidery, Design , Stitched Art Textiles - Textile Studnet Sketchbook & Assignment Log

DT - Coloured Papers - Module 1 Chapter 2 - a

DT - Coloured Papers - Module 1 Chapter 2 - a

::: DT - Mo1Ch2 - a

#ACLFieldlog - Distant Stitch Embroidery and Stitched Textiles Course  - Coloured Papers - Module 1 Chapter 2 - a - Textile Student Log and Sketchbook Portfolio

Coloured Papers Mo1Ch2 - a - Image 1.0
  •  1. paper inked with blueish grey from colour wheel exercise in ink
  •  2. paper inked with greyish blue to complement a hue in between
  •  3. paper washed with a grey blue water colour wash
  •  4. paper sponged with a lighter blue hue over a light ink wash
  •  5. paper loaded with a heavy wash, turned around & etched with fingernails on the reverse
  •  6. paper drop sheet, spare paper for wipe offs in same colour combinations provides new paper
  •  7. paper splattered with very water brush onto wet paper to get splodge effects
  •  8. paper with pre-printed grid , added a soft print block texture with ink
  •  9. paper block printed with carved rubber square inked up with watery ink in blues, greys and ochre

#ACLFieldlog - Distant Stitch Embroidery and Stitched Textiles Course  - Coloured Papers - Module 1 Chapter 2 - a - Textile Student Log and Sketchbook Portfolio

Coloured Papers Mo1Ch2 - a - Image 1.1

  • 10. paper with orange ink and blueish brown printed with found object paper clip cross
  • 11. paper stained with ink wash , over printed with gouache using a ruler edge dipped in paint
  • 12. paper with watercolour background wash & over brushed with cross design to bleed
  • 13. paper wetted first then ink dropped in to create puddle effects with harsh edges
  • 14. Paper painted with gouache then bubblewrap on top, left to dry overnight
  • 15. paper with gouache brush strokes and cross designs, loosely bleeding colours to blend
  • 16. paper plain harmonies in pinkish orange, orange and orangish pink for my colour scheme
  • 17. paper sponged in gouache blending orange towards pink to create gradients

#ACLFieldlog - Distant Stitch Embroidery and Stitched Textiles Course  - Coloured Papers - Module 1 Chapter 2 - a - Textile Student Log and Sketchbook Portfolio

Coloured Papers Mo1Ch2 - a - Image 1.2

  • 18. paper tonal orange pink from Financial times newspaper, overpainted with ink wash
  • 19. paper from FT , added an ink grid by blurring out text 
  • 20. paper with gouache paint in orange overstamped greyish blue with found object print block 
  • 21. paper with light inkwash , left to dry, then spattered in complimentary colour range 
  • 22. paper painted with gouache and lots of water, then orange brush markmaking into dry
  • 23. paper painted with gouache and lots of water, then orange brush markmaking into wet
  • 24. paper printed with hand- carved square print block in layers 
  • 25. paper blended with watercolour wash 
  • 26. paper mop up sheet, becomes a random design sheet to add to collection

- location : home studio , U.K. Oct 2017
- material : gouache paints, watercolour paints, inks, recycled newspaper, glue
- #ACLFieldlogTextiles

Time spent  : 3 hours
cost: none


#ACLFieldlog - Distant Stitch Embroidery and Stitched Textiles Course  - Coloured Papers - Module 1 Chapter 2 - a - Textile Student Log and Sketchbook Portfolio